Notes For The New Year

During the holidays we always remember people we love the most. Friends and family that, for some reason or another, might not be with us during this time of the year. Considering that most of my friends and family are miles and miles away from me (hello, I am part of the Venezuelan diaspora), on this particular time I always remember my grandparents, and specially my

grandma's food.

Holidays in Venezuela were very loud and full of happy and good energy, but one of the things that we got more excited about was the food. I am not going to get on full explanation what the food consisted about (this post would go on forever, believe me), but my grandma would cook everything, and make with so much dedication and love for the entire family, that it would be the best meal you'd have the entire year. The thing about food is that it brings me joy, all the different flavors and aromas, as weird that it might sound, make me feel safe. And that's the way I would feel with my grandma's food.

And, apparently, the secret to all her recipes, was love.

Yes, love. I grew up listening to that, you probably think cheesy and incoherent explanation of why the food tasted so good when my grandma cooked it. I have the words "it is because I made it with love" tattooed in my head, and over time I've realized that there is much more in that phrase that what it seems. I learned through tasteful meals and delicious desserts that, when you put time, dedication, effort and love to the things you do, they will always turn in your favor, even if it's not the way you wanted or planned, things will always work out because you gave them value.

At the end, life is all about those little things that make it special and different.


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Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading, 
